Emergency Management Training Portal
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Emergency Management Training Portal
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Atlantic Police Academy
Canadian Federal Government
Colleges, Universities & Schools
Emergency Services
First Nations
Municipal Services
NextStar Energy
Non-Government Organizations
Non-Profit Organization
Private Sector
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211 Ontario
Aamjiwnaang First Nation
Abitibi 70 (First Nation)
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Addington Highlands (Township)
Adelaide Metcalfe (Township)
Adjala Tosorontio Fire Department
Adjala-Tosorontio (Township)
Admaston/Bromley (Township)
Agency 1 (First Nation)
Agency 30 (First Nation)
Agriculture & Agri Food
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ajax (Town)
Ajax Fire and Emergency Services
Akwesasne 59 (First Nation)
Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service
Alberton (Township)
Alderville First Nation (First Nation)
Alectra Utilities
Alfred and Plantagenet (Township)
Algoma District Paramedic Services
Algonquin College
Algonquin Highlands (Township)
Alnwick/Haldimand (Township)
Amaranth (Township)
Amherstburg (Town)
Amherstburg Fire Department
Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council
Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council
Anishinabek Police Service
Anishinabek Police Service
Armour (Township)
Armstrong (Township)
Arnprior (Town)
Arran-Elderslie (Regional Municipality)
Arthur Area Fire Department
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (Township)
Asphodel-Norwood (Township)
Assiginack (Township)
Athens (Township)
Atikokan (Township)
Attawapiskat 91 (First Nation)
Attawapiskat 91A (First Nation)
Attorney General
Augusta (Township)
Augusta Fire Department
Aurora (Town)
Aylmer (Town)
Aylmer Police Service
Babcock Community Care Centre
Bak Emergency Management
Baldwin (Township)
Bancroft (Town)
Barrie (City)
Barrie Fire & Emergency Service
Barrie Island (Township)
Barrie Police Service
Batchewana Police Service
Bayham (Regional Municipality)
Bear Island 1 (First Nation)
Bearskin Lake (First Nation)
Beausoleil (First Nation)
Beckwith (Township)
Belleville (City)
Belleville Fire Department
Belleville Police Service
Big Grassy River 35G (First Nation)
Big Island 31D (First Nation)
Big Island 31E (First Nation)
Big Island 31F (First Nation)
Big Island 37 (First Nation)
Big Island Mainland 93 (First Nation)
Big Trout Lake Police Service
Biimigitoon Search and Rescue
Billings (Township)
Billy Bishop Airport
Bimaajitoon Search and Rescue
BizTech College - Health Sciences, Business and Technology
Black River-Matheson (Township)
Blandford-Blenheim (Township)
Blind River (Town)
Blue Mountains (Town)
Blue Mountains Fire Department
Bluewater (Regional Municipality)
Bonfield (Township)
Bonnechere Valley (Township)
Bracebridge (Town)
Bracebridge Fire Department
Bradford West Gwillimbury (Town)
Bradford West Gwillimbury Fire and Emergency Service
Brampton (City)
Brampton Fire Services
Brant (County)
Brant Fire & Emergency Services
Brantford (City)
Brantford Fire Department
Brantford General Hospital
Brantford Police Service
Brantford Power Inc.
Brethour (Township)
Brighton (Regional Municipality)
Brighton Fire Department
Brock (Township)
Brock (Township) Fire Department
Brock University
Brockton (Regional Municipality)
Brockville (City)
Brockville Fire Department
Brockville General Hospital
Brockville Police Service
Brooke-Alvinston (Township)
Bruce (County)
Bruce Mines (Town)
Bruce Mines Fire Department
Bruce Power
Bruce Power
Brudenell, Lyndach and Raglan (Township)
Burk's Falls (Village)
Burlington (City)
Burlington Fire Department
Burpee & Mills (Township)
Cabinet Office
Caldwell First Nation
Caledon (Town)
Callander (Regional Municipality)
Callander Fire & Emergency Services
Calvin (Township)
Cambrian College - Sudbury
Cambridge (City)
Cambridge Fire Department
Canada Border Services
Canada Revenue Agency
Canadian Armed Forces
Canadian Army
Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre
Canadian Brigade Group
Canadian Disaster Response Organization
Canadian Food and Inspection Agency
Canadian Heritage
Canadian National Railway
Canadian National Railway Police Service
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Canadian Pacific Police Service
Canadian Red Cross
Cape Croker Hunting Grounds 60B (First Nation)
Carleton Place (Town)
Carleton Place Fire Department
Carleton University
Carling (Township)
Carling Fire Department
Carlow Mayo
Carlow/Mayo (Township)
Casey (Township)
Casselman (Village)
Cat Lake 63C (First Nation)
Cavan Monaghan (Township)
Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan (Township)
Centennial College
Central Elgin (Regional Municipality)
Central Elgin Fire & Rescue
Central Frontenac (Township)
Central Huron (Regional Municipality)
Central Manitoulin (Township)
Central York Fire Services (Town of Aurora and Newmarket)
Centre Hastings (Regional Municipality)
Centre Wellington (Township)
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories
Chamberlain (Township)
Champlain (Township)
Chapleau (Township)
Chapleau 61 (First Nation)
Chapleau 61A (First Nation)
Chapleau 74 (First Nation)
Chapleau 74A (First Nation)
Chapleau 75 (First Nation)
Chapleau Cree Fox Lake (First Nation)
Chapple (Township)
Charlton and Dack (Town)
Chatham-Kent (Regional Municipality)
Chatham-Kent Fire Service
Chatham-Kent Police Service
Chatsworth (Township)
CHEO Foundation
Chicken Farmers of Ontario
Chief's Point 28 (First Nation)
Children and Youth Services
Chippewa Island (First Nation)
Chippewas of Georgina Island (First Nation)
Chippewas of Georgina Island 33A (First Nation)
Chippewas of Rama First Nation
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation 42 (First Nation)
Chisholm (Township)
Christian Aid Ministeries of Waterloo
Christian Island 30 (Beausoleil First Nation)
Citizenship & Immigration
Citizenship and Immigration
City of Toronto Corporate Security
Civil Air Search and Rescue Association
Clarence-Rockland (City)
Clarington (Municipality)
Clarington (Municipality) Emergency and Fire Services
Clearview (Township)
CN Police Service
Cobalt (Town)
Cobourg (Town)
Cobourg Fire Department
Cobourg Police Services
Cochrane (Town)
Cochrane District Emergency Medical Services
Cockburn Island (Township)
Colborne-Cramahe Fire Department
Coleman (Township)
Colleges, Universities, Research Excellence & Security
Collingwood (Town)
Collingwood Fire Department
Columbus Division of Police
Community and Social Services
Community Disaster Response Ontario
Community Living Thunder Bay
Community Safety and Correctional Services
Comtés Unis de Prescott et Russell
Conestoga College
Conmee (Township)
Conservation Ontario
Constance Lake 92 (First Nation)
Cornwall (City)
Cornwall Fire Department
Cornwall Police Service
Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry EMS
Couchiching 16A (First Nation)
County of Brant Ambulance Service
Cramahe (Township)
Cramahe Fire Department
Curve Lake 35 (First Nation)
Curve Lake 35A (First Nation)
Dakota Ojibway Police Service
Dawn-Euphemia (Township)
Dawson (Township)
Deep River (Town)
Deep River Fire Department
Deep River Police Service
Deer Lake (First Nation)
Department of National Defense
Deseronto (Town)
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Disaster and Emergency Management Students Association-DEMSA
Dokis 9 (First Nation)
Dorion (Township)
Douro-Dummer (Township)
Drummond North Elmsley Tay Valley Fire Rescue
Drummond-North Elmsley (Township)
Dryden (City)
Dryden Fire Service
Dryden Police Service
Dubreuilville (Township)
Duck Lake 76B (First Nation)
Dufferin (County)
Dufferin Emergency Search and Rescue
Dundalk Fire Department
Durham (Regional Municipality)
Durham Catholic District School Board
Durham College
Durham Region EMS
Durham Regional Police Service
Dutton Dunwich Fire Department
Dutton/Dunwich (Regional Municipality)
Dymond (Township)
Dysart et al (Township)
Eabametoong (Fort Hope) First Nation
Eagle Lake 27 (First Nation)
Ear Falls (Township)
East Ferris (Township)
East Garafraxa (Township)
East Gwillimbury (Town)
East Gwillimbury Emergency Services
East Hawkesbury (Township)
East Hawkesbury (Township) Fire Department
East Zorra-Tavistock (Township)
Eastern Ontario Emergency Training Academy
Ecole Nationale de Police du Quebec
Economic Development and Trade
Edmonton Police Service
Edwardsburgh/Cardinal (Township)
Elections Ontario
Elgin (County)
Elgin-Middlesex Regional Fire Training Centre
Elizabethtown-Kitley (Township)
Elliot Lake (City)
Elliot Lake Fire Service
EM Canada
Emergency Management for Agriculture
Emergency Management Ontario
Emergency Medical Assistance Team (EMAT)
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emo (Township)
Energy and Infrastructure
Energy and Mines
Englehart (Town)
English River 21 (First Nation)
English River 66 (First Nation)
Enniskillen (Township)
EOETA - Norwood
Erin (Town)
Espanola (Town)
Espanola Police Service
Essa (Township)
Essex (County)
Essex (Town)
Essex Fire & Rescue Services
Essex Police Service
Essex-Windsor Emergency Medical Services
Evantural (Township)
Factory Island 1 (First Nation)
Fanshawe College
Faraday (Township)
Fauquier-Strickland (Township)
Feather Board Command Centre
Feed Ontario
Financial Services Commission of Ontario
Fire Con
First Nations Police Services
Fisheries & Oceans
Fleming College
Flying Post 73 (First Nation)
Food and Rural Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Fort Albany 67 (First Nation)
Fort Erie (Town)
Fort Erie Fire Department
Fort Frances (Town)
Fort Frances Tribal Area Health Services
Fort Hope 64 (First Nation)
Fort Severn 89 (First Nation)
Fort William 52 (First Nation)
Francophone Affairs
French River (Regional Municipality)
French River 13 (First Nation)
Front of Yonge (Township)
Frontenac (County)
Frontenac Emergency Communications Group
Frontenac Island (Township)
Frontenac Paramedic Services
Galway-Cavendish-Harvey (Township)
Gananoque (Separated Township)
Gananoque (Town of)
Gananoque Fire Service
Gananoque Police Service
Garden River 14 (First Nation)
Gauthier (Township)
George Brown College
Georgian Bay (Township)
Georgian Bluffs (Township)
Georgian College
Georgina (Town)
Georgina Fire Department
Gillies (Township)
Gillies Fire rescue
Ginoogaming (First Nation)
Glebe Farm 40B (First Nation)
Goderich (Town)
Goderich Fire Department
Gordon (Township)
Gore Bay (Town)
Goulais Bay 15A (First Nation)
Government Services
Grand Council Treaty # 3
Grand River Conservation Authority
Grand Valley (Town)
Grassy Narrows (First Nation)
Gravenhurst (Town)
Gravenhurst Fire Department
Greater Madawaska (Township)
Greater Napanee (Town)
Greater Sudbury (City)
Greater Sudbury EMS
Greater Sudbury Fire
Greater Sudbury Police Service
Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA)
Greenstone (Regional Municipality)
Greenstone Fire Department
Grey (County)
Grey Bruce Health Services
Grey Bruce Health Unit
Grey Highlands (Regional Municipality)
Grey Highlands Fire & Emergency Services
Grimsby (Town)
Grimsby Fire Department
Gros Cap 49 (First Nation)
Gros Cap Indian Village 49A (First Nation)
Guelph (City)
Guelph Fire Department
Guelph Paramedic Service
Guelph Police Service
Guelph/Eramosa (Township)
Gull River 55 (First Nation)
Haileybury (Township)
Haldimand (County)
Haldimand County Fire Services
Haldimand County Paramedic Services
Haliburton (County)
Haliburton County Paramedic Service
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
Halifax Regional Police
Halton (Regional municipality)
Halton Hills (Town)
Halton Hills Fire Department
Halton Region Paramedic Service
Halton Regional Police Service
Hamilton (City)
Hamilton (Township)
Hamilton Fire Department
Hamilton Paramedic Service
Hamilton Police Service
Hanover (Town)
Hanover Fire Department
Hanover Police Service
Harding Fire Department
Harley (Township)
Harris (Township)
Harwood Fire Department
Hasting Highlands (Regional Municipality)
Hastings (County)
Hastings Quinte Paramedic Service
Havelock Fire Department
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen (Township)
Hawkesbury (Town)
Hawkesbury General Hospital
Head, Clara and Maria (Township)
Health and Long Term Care
Health Canada
Health Promotion
Health Sciences North - Sudbury
Hearst (Town)
Henvey Inlet 2 (First Nation)
Hiawatha 36 (First Nation)
Highlands East (Regional Municipality)
Hilliard (Township)
Hilton (Township)
Hilton Beach (Village)
Hopital Montfort
Horizon Utilities Corporation
Hornepayne (Township)
Horton (Township)
Hospital Emergency Preparedness Committee of Ottawa (HEPCO)
House of Commons of Canada
Howick (Township)
Hudson (Township)
Human Resources & Skills Development
Humber College
Huntsville (Town)
Huntsville/Lake of Bays Fire Department
Huron (County)
Huron East (Regional Municipality)
Huron Shores (Regional Municipality)
Huron-Kinloss (Township)
Hydro One
Ignace (Township)
Independent First Nations Alliance
Indian & Northern Affairs
Indian River 1 (First Nation)
Indigenous Policing Bureau - OPP
Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Indigenous Services Canada
Ingersol (Town)
Ingersoll Fire & Emergency Services
Innisfil (Town)
Innisfil Fire and Rescue
Intergovernmental Affairs
International Trade
International Trade and Investment
Investigative Solutions Network
Iroquois Falls (Town)
Islands in the Trent Waters 36A (First Nation)
Islington 29 (First Nation)
ISN Maskwa
James (Township)
Jocelyn (Township)
Johnson (Township)
Joly (Township)
Kacheshewan (First Nation)
Kapuskasing (Town)
Kapuskasing Fire Department
Kasabonika Lake (First Nation)
Kativik Regional Police Force
Kawartha Lakes (City)
Kawartha Lakes Police Service
Kearney (Town)
Keewaywin (First Nation)
Kenora (City)
Kenora 38B (First Nation)
Kenora Chiefs Advisory
Kenora District Services Board (KDSB)-Northwest EMS
Kenora Fire and Emergency Services
Kenora Police Service
Kensington Health Centre
Kerns (Township)
Kettle Point 44 (First Nation)
Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards (Township)
Killarney (Regional Municipality)
Kincardine (Municipality)
Kincardine Fire Department
King (Township)
Kingfisher Lake 1 (First Nation)
Kingfisher Lake 2A (First Nation)
Kingfisher Lake 3A (First Nation)
Kingston (City)
Kingston Fire & Rescue
Kingston Police Service
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health
Kingsville (Town)
Kirkland Lake (Town)
Kitchener (City)
Kitchener Fire Department
Kitchenumaykoosib Aaki 84 (First Nation)
Kitigan Zibi Police
La Cité
La Vallee (Township)
Labour, Training and Skills Development
Lac des Mille Lacs 22A1 (First Nation)
Lac Seul (First Nation)
Lac Seul 28 (First Nation)
Lac Seul Police Service
Laird (Township)
Lake Helen
Lake Helen 53A (First Nation)
Lake of Bays (Township)
Lake of the Woods (Township)
Lake of the Woods 31B (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 31C (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 31G (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 31H (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 34 (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 35J (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 37 (First Nation)
Lake of the Woods 37B (First Nation)
Lakehead University
Lakeshore (Town)
Lakeshore Fire Department
Lambton (County)
Lambton College
Lambton Shores (Municipality)
Lambton Shores Fire Services
Lanark (County)
Lanark County Paramedic Service
Lanark Highlands (Township)
Lanark Highlands Fire Service
Larder Lake (Township)
LaSalle (Town)
LaSalle Fire Service
LaSalle Police Service
Latchford (Town)
Laurentian Hills (Town)
Laurentian University
Laurentian Valley (Township)
Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
Leamington (Regional Municipality)
Leamington Fire & Rescue
Leeds and 1000 Islands Emergency Services Training Centre
Leeds and Grenville (United Counties)
Leeds and Grenville Fire Departments
Leeds and the Thousand Islands (Township)
Legislative Protective Services
Leisure World
Lennox & Addington Emergency Services
Lennox and Addington (County)
Limerick (Township)
Lincoln (Town)
Lincoln Fire Rescue & Emergency Services
London (City)
London Fire Services
London NGOs
London Police Service
Long Lake 58 (First Nation)
Long Plain (First Nation)
Long Sault 12 (First Nation)
Loyalist (Township)
Loyalist College
Lucan Biddulph (Township)
Lucan-Biddulph Fire Department
M'chigeeng 22 (First Nation)
Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional (Township)
Machar (Township)
Machin (Township)
Madawaska Valley (Township)
Madoc (Township)
Magnetawan (Regional Municipality)
Magnetawan 1 (First Nation)
Malahide (Township)
Manitou Rapids 11 (First Nation)
Manitoulin Sudbury DSB
Manitouwadge (Township)
Manitouwadge Emergency Services
Mapleton (Township)
Marathon (Town)
Markham (City)
Markham Fire and Emergency Services
Markstay-Warren (Regional Municipality)
Marmora and Lake (Regional Municipality)
Marten Falls 65 (First Nation)
Matachewan (Township)
Matachewan 72 (First Nation)
Matawa (First Nation)
Mattagami 71 (First Nation)
Mattawa (Town)
Mattawan (Township)
Mattice-Val Cote (Township)
McDougall (Township)
McGarry (Township)
McKellar (Township)
McMaster University
McMurrich/Monteith (Township)
McNab-Braeside (Township)
Meaford (Regional Municipality)
Meaford and District Fire Department
Melancthon (Township)
Merrickville-Wolford (Township of)
Metrolinx/Go Transit
Michipicoten (Township)
Middlesex (County)
Middlesex Centre (Township)
Middlesex-London EMS
Middlesex-London Health Unit
Middlesex-London Health Unit
Midhurst OFM
Midland (Town)
Milton (Town)
Milton Fire Department
Minden Hills (Township)
Minto (Town)
Missanabie 62 (First Nation)
Missinabie Cree (First Nation)
Mississagi River 8 (First Nation)
Mississauga (City)
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services
Mississauga Police Service
Mississaugas of Scugog Island (First Nation)
Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation
Mississippi Mills (Town)
Mississippi Mills Fire Department
Mnjikaning 32 (First Nation)
Mohawk College
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
Molson Coors Beverage Company
Mono (Town)
Montague (Township)
Moonbeam (Township)
Moose Factory 68 (First Nation)
Moose Point 79 (First Nation)
Moosonee (Town)
Moravian 47 (First Nation)
Morley (Township)
Morris-Turnberry (Regional Municipality)
Mountbatten 76A (First Nation)
Mulmur (Township)
Mulmur-Melancthon Fire Department
Municipal Affairs and Housing
Munsee-Delaware 1 (First Nation)
Muskoka (District)
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
Muskoka Lakes (Township)
Muskoka Lakes Fire Department
Muskrat Dam Lake (First Nation)
Nairn & Hyman (Township)
Naisoutaing 17A (First Nation)
Naongashing 31A (First Nation)
Napanee (Town of)
National Defence
National Emergency Numbering Association Ontario Chapter
Natural Resources
Natural Resources and Forestry
Neebing (Municipality)
Neguaguon Lake 25D (First Nation)
Neskantaga (First Nation)
New Credit 40A (First Nation)
New Gold Corporation
New Liskeard (Town)
New Post 69 (First Nation)
New Post 69A (First Nation)
New Tecumseth (Town)
New Tecumseth Fire Rescue
Newbury (Village)
Newmarket (Town)
Neyaashiinigmiing (First Nation)
Niagara (Regional Municipality)
Niagara College
Niagara Emergency Medical Services
Niagara Falls (City)
Niagara Falls Fire Department
Niagara Health
Niagara Parks Police
Niagara Regional Police Service
Niagara West Emergency Management
Niagara-on-the-Lake (Town)
Nipigon (Township)
Nipissing (Township)
Nipissing 10 (First Nation)
Nipissing Township Fire Department
Nipissing University
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation (NAN)
Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
Nolalu Emergency Services Team
Nolalu Fire Department
Nolalu Local Service Board
Norfolk (County)
Norfolk County Fire & Rescue Services
Norfolk County Fire Department
North Algona Wilberforce (Township)
North Bay (City)
North Bay Fire and Emergency Services
North Bay Police
North Bay Regional Health Centre
North Bay/Parry Sound District Health Unit
North Caribou Lake Police Service
North Dumfries (Township)
North Dumfries Fire Services
North Dundas (Township)
North Frontenac (Township)
North Glengarry (Township)
North Grenville (Municipality)
North Grenville (Township)
North Grenville Fire Service
North Huron (Township)
North Kawartha (Township)
North Middlesex (Regional Municipality)
North Perth (Town)
North Perth Fire Department
North Shore Tribal Council
North Spirit Lake (First Nation)
North Stormont (Township)
Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands (Town)
Northern Bruce Peninsula (Regional Municipality)
Northern College
Northern Development
Northern Development And Mines
Northern Economic Development and Growth
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Northumberland (County)
Northumberland Paramedic Service
Northwest Angle 33B (First Nation)
Northwest Angle 34C & 37B (First Nation)
Northwestern Health Unit
Northwestern Health Unit
Norwich (Township)
NOVA Chemicals
O'Connor (Township)
O'Connor Fire Department
Oakville (Town)
Oakville Fire Department
Obabikong 35B (First Nation)
Obadjiwan 15E (First Nation)
Office of the Chief Coroner
Office of the Fire Marshal
Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management
Office of the Premier
Oil Spring (Village)
Ojibway Nation of Saugeen (First Nation)
Oliver Paipoonge (Township)
One Man Lake 29 (First Nation)
Oneida 41 (First Nation)
Oneida Police Service
Ontario Association of Emergency Managers
Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs
Ontario Association of Fire Training Officers
Ontario Clean Water Agency
Ontario College of Art & Design University
Ontario Critical Incident Advisory Council
Ontario Dental Association
Ontario Fire College
Ontario Fire College
Ontario First Nations Tech Service Corp
Ontario Hospital Association
Ontario Parks
Ontario Police College
Ontario Pork
Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Ontario Provincial Police
Ontario Realty Corporation
Ontario Tech University
Opasatika (Township)
Orangeville (Town)
Orangeville Fire Services
Orangeville Police Service
Orillia (City)
Orillia Fire Department
Ornge Air Ambulance
Oro-Medonte (Township)
Oshawa (City)
Oshawa Fire Services
Osnaburgh 63A (First Nation)
Osnaburgh 63B (First Nation)
Otanobee Township
Otonabee-South Monaghan (Township)
Ottawa (City)
Ottawa Carleton District School Board
Ottawa Fire Services
Ottawa International Airport Authority
Ottawa Paramedic Service
Ottawa Police Service
Owen Sound (City)
Owen Sound Fire and Emergency Services
Owen Sound Police Service
Oxford (County)
Oxford Community Police Service
Oxford County Paramedic Services
Paawidigong (First Nation)
Papineau-Cameron (Township)
Parliamentary Protective Service
Parry Island (First Nation)
Parry Sound (Town)
Parry Sound Ambulance Communication Service
Parry Sound District EMS
Pays Plat 51 (First Nation)
Peel (Regional Municipality)
Peel Regional Paramedic Services
Peel Regional Police Service
Pelee (Township)
Pelham (Town)
Pembroke (City)
Penetanguishene (Town)
Perry (Township)
Perth (County)
Perth (Town)
Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital
Perth County Paramedic Services
Perth East (Township)
Perth East Fire Department
Perth Police Service
Perth South (Township)
Petawawa (Town)
Peterborough (City)
Peterborough (County)
Peterborough / Lakefield Police Service
Peterborough County/City Paramedics
Peterborough Fire Service
Petrolia (Town)
Petrolia and North Enniskillen Fire Department
Petrolia Fire Department
Pic Mobert First Nation
Pic Mobert Reserve North (First Nation)
Pic Mobert Reserve South (First Nation)
Pic River 50 (First Nation)
Pickering (City)
Pickering Fire Services
Pickle Lake (Township)
Pikangikum 14 (First Nation)
Pikangikum First Nation Police
Pikwakanagan (First Nation)
Plummer Additional (Township)
Plympton-Wyoming (Town)
Point Edward (Village)
Point Edward Fire Department
Point Grondine 3 (First Nation)
Poplar Hill (First Nation)
Porcupine Health Unit
Port Colborne (City)
Port Colborne Fire & Emergency Services
Port Elgin
Port Hope (Regional Municipality)
Port Hope Fire & Emergency Services Department
Port Hope Police Service
Powassan (Regional Municipality)
Prescott (Separated Township)
Prescott and Russell (United Counties)
Prince (Township)
Prince Edward (County)
Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Health Ontario
Public Health Sudbury & Districts
Public Infrastructure Renewal
Public Safety Canada
Public Works & Government Services
Puslinch (Township)
QM Environmental
Queen's University
Queensway Carleton Hospital
Quinte West (City)
Railfire Consulting
Rainy Lake 17A (First Nation)
Rainy Lake 17B (First Nation)
Rainy Lake 18C (First Nation)
Rainy Lake 26A (First Nation)
Rainy Lake 26B (First Nation)
Rainy Lake 26C (First Nation)
Rainy River (District)
Rainy River (Town)
Rama (First Nation)
Rama Fire Rescue Service
Rama Police Service
Ramara (Township)
Ramara Fire and Rescue
Rankin Location 15D (First Nation)
Rat Portage 38A (First Nation)
Red Lake (Regional Municipality)
Red Rock (Township)
Red Rock 53 (First Nation)
Renfrew (County)
Renfrew (Town)
Renfrew Collegiate Institute
Renfrew Paramedic Service
Research and Innovation
Richmond Hill (Town)
Rideau Lakes (Township)
Rocky Bay 1 (First Nation)
Rosemont District Fire Department
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Cayman Islands Police Service
Royal Newfoundland Constabular
Russell (Township)
Ryerson (Township)
Ryerson University
Sabaskong Bay 32C (First Nation)
Sabaskong Bay 35C (First Nation)
Sabaskong Bay 35D (First Nation)
Sabaskong Bay 35F (First Nation)
Sabaskong Bay 35H (First Nation)
Sables-Spanish Rivers (Township)
Sachigo Lake 1 (First Nation)
Sachigo Lake 2 (First Nation)
Sachigo Lake 3 (First Nation)
Sagamok (First Nation)
Sandy Lake 88 (First Nation)
Sarnia (City)
Sarnia 45 (First Nation)
Sarnia Emergency Management
Sarnia Fire Department
Sarnia Fire Rescue Services
Sarnia Police Service
Saskatoon Police Service
Saugagawsing 1 (First Nation)
Saugeen 29 (First Nation)
Saugeen and Cape Croker Fishing Islands 1 (First Nation)
Saugeen Hunting Grounds 60A (First Nation)
Saugeen Shores (Town)
Saugeen Shores Police Service
Sault Area Hospital
Sault College
Sault Ste Marie Airport
Sault Ste Marie District EMS
Sault Ste Marie Fire Services
Sault Ste. Marie (City)
Sault Ste. Marie Police Service
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities
Schreiber (Township)
Scugog (Township)
Scugog (Township) Fire Services
Seguin (Township)
Seine River 22A2 (First Nation)
Seine River 23A (First Nation)
Seine River 23B (First Nation)
Selwyn (Township of)
Seneca College
Seneca Polytechnic
Senior' Secretariat
Sensenbrenner Hospital
Serpent River 7 (First Nation)
Service des incendies Hawkesbury
Severn (Township)
Shawanaga 17 (First Nation)
Shawanaga 17B (First Nation)
Shedden (Township)
Sheguiandah 24 (First Nation)
Shelburne (Town)
Shelburne Police Service
Sheridan College
Sheriff Services Nova Scotia
Sheshegwaning 20 (First Nation)
Shibogama (First Nation)
Shield Institute for Emergency Training
Shoal Lake 31J (First Nation)
Shoal Lake 34B1 (First Nation)
Shoal Lake 34B2 (First Nation)
Shoal Lake 37A (First Nation)
Shoal Lake 39 (First Nation)
Shoal Lake 39A (First Nation)
Shoal Lake 40 (First Nation)
Shuniah (Township)
Sienna Senior Living
Simcoe (County)
Simcoe (County) Paramedic Services
Sioux Lookout (Regional Municipality)
Sioux Lookout First Nation Health Authority
Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls (Township)
Sir Sandford Fleming College
Six Nations 40 (First Nation)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Six Nations Police Service
Slate Falls First Nation
Small Business and Consumer Services
Smith Enismore Lakefield Fire Department
Smith Falls Police Service
Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield (Township)
Smiths Falls (Separated Township)
Smiths Falls (Town of)
Smiths Falls Fire Department
Smiths Falls Police Service
Smooth Rock Falls (Town)
Smooth Rock Falls Fire Department
Social Development
Solicitor General
South Algonquin (Township)
South Bruce (Regional Municipality)
South Bruce Peninsula (Town)
South Dundas (Township)
South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services
South Frontenac (Township)
South Frontenac Fire and Rescue
South Glengarry (Township)
South Huron (Regional Municipality)
South Huron Fire Department
South Porcupine
South River (Village)
South River Fire Department
South River Machar Fire Department
South Simcoe Police Service
South Stormont (Township)
South-West Oxford (Township)
Southern First Nations Secretariat
Southgate (Township)
Southlake Regional Health Center
Southwest Fire Academy
Southwest Middlesex (Regional Municipality)
Southwestern Public Health Unit
Southwold (Township)
Spanish (Town)
Springwater (Township)
St. Catharines (City)
St. Catharines Fire Services
St. Clair (Township)
St. Clair College, Windsor
St. John Ambulance
St. John Ambulance
St. Joseph (Township)
St. Josephs General Hospital - Elliot Lake
St. Lawrence College
St. Marys (Separated Township)
St. Paul University
St. Thomas (City)
St. Thomas Police Service
St.Charles (Regional Municipality)
Ste Anne Police Department
Stirling-Rawdon (Township)
Stirling-Rawdon Township Fire Department
Stone Mills (Township)
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (United Counties)
Stratford (City)
Stratford Fire Department
Stratford Police Service
Strathroy-Caradoc (Township)
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service
Strong (Township)
Sturgeon Falls 23 (First Nation)
Sucker Creek 23 (First Nation)
Sudbury (City)
Sudbury - Office of the Fire Marshall
Sudbury Fire Services
Sudbury Paramedic Service
Sudbury Police Service
Sugar Island 37A (First Nation)
Sun Life Financial
Sundridge (Village)
Sundridge Strong Fire Department
Swan Lake 29 (First Nation)
Take Care EM Consulting
Tarbutt & Tarbutt Additional (Township)
Tay (Township)
Tay Valley (Township)
Tecumseh (Town)
Tecumseh Fire Service
Tehkummah (Township)
Temagami (First Nation)
Temiskaming District
Temiskaming Shores (City)
Terrace Bay (Township)
Test organization
Thames Centre (Regional Municipality)
The Archipelago (Township)
The Dalles 38C (First Nation)
The Nation (Regional Municipality)
The North Shore (Township)
The Salvation Army
Thessalon (Town)
Thessalon 12 (First Nation)
Thornloe (Village)
Thorold (City)
Thunder Bay (City)
Thunder Bay EMS
Thunder Bay Fire Department
Thunder Bay International Airport
Thunder Bay Police Service
Thunder Bay Red Cross
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Thunder Bay Salvation Army
Tillsonburg (Town)
Tillsonburg Fire Department
Timiskaming (District)
Timmins (City)
Timmins and District Hospital
Timmins Fire Department
Timmins Police Service
Timmins Porcupine Search and Rescue (TPSAR)
Tiny (Township)
Toronto (City)
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto Community Housing
Toronto District School Board
Toronto EMS
Toronto Fire Services
Toronto Hydro
Toronto Paramedic Services
Toronto Police Service
Toronto Port Aurthority
Toronto Transit Commission
Town of St. Marys Fire Department
Training, Colleges and Universities
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Treasury Board Secretariat
Treaty Three Police Service
Trent Hills (Regional Municipality)
Trent Hills Fire Department
Trent Lakes (Municipality)
Trent University
Trident Training Solutions
Triovest Realty Advisors
Tudor and Cashel (Township)
Tweed (Regional Municipality)
Tyendinaga (Township)
Tyendinaga First Nations Police Service
Tyendinaga Mohawk (First Nation)
UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
United Chiefs & Council of Manitoulin
United Townships of Head, Clara and Maria
University of Guelph
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University of Western Ontario
University of Windsor
Utilities Kingston
Uxbridge (Township)
Uxbridge (Township) Fire Services
Val Rita-Harty (Municipality)
Vaughan (City)
Vaughan Fire & Rescue Service
Veterans Affairs
Village of Sundridge
Wabaseemoong (First Nation)
Wabauskang 21 (First Nation)
Wabigoon Lake 27 (First Nation)
Wabishki Makinaakoons Abinooji Niwiidabimaa
Wahnapitei 11 (First Nation)
Wahta Mohawk (First Nation)
Wainfleet (Township)
Walpole Island 46 (First Nation)
Wapekeka Reserve 1 (First Nation)
Wapekeka Reserve 2 (First Nation)
Warwick (Township)
Wasaga Beach (Town)
Wasaga Beach Fire Department
Wasauksing (First Nation)
Waterloo (City)
Waterloo (Region of)
Waterloo Fire Rescue
Waterloo Region Paramedic Services
Waterloo Regional Police Service
Wawa (Municipality)
Wawakapewin (First Nation)
Waypoint Center for Mental Health
Weagamow Lake 87 (First Nation)
Webequie (First Nation)
Welland (City)
Wellesley (Township)
Wellington (County)
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health
Wellington North (Township)
West Elgin (Regional Municipality)
West Grey (Municipality)
West Grey Police Service
West Lincoln (Township)
West Nipissing (Regional Municipality)
West Nippising Police Services
West Perth (Township)
Western Econmomic Diversification
Western University
Westport (Village)
Whitby (Town)
Whitby (Town) Fire Services
Whitby Fire and Emergency Service
Whitchurch-Stouffville (Town)
Whitchurch-Stouffville Fire
White River (Township)
Whitefish Bay 32A (First Nation)
Whitefish bay 33A (First Nation)
Whitefish Bay 34A (First Nation)
Whitefish Island (First Nation)
Whitefish Lake 6 (First Nation)
Whitefish River 4 (First Nation)
Whitesand (First Nation)
Whitestone (Regional Municipality)
Whitewater Region (Township)
Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service
Wikwemikong Unceded 26 (First Nation)
Wilfrid Laurier University
William Osler Health System
Wilmot (Township)
Windigo First Nation Council
Windsor (City)
Windsor Fire & Rescue Services
Windsor Police Service
Wingham Police Service
Winisk 90 (First Nation)
Wollaston (Township)
Women's Directorate
Woodstock (City)
Woodstock Fire Department
Woodstock Police Service
Woolwich (Township)
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
Wunnumin 1 (First Nation)
Wunnumin 2 (First Nation)
Xpera Risk Management
Yellow Girl Bay 32B (First Nation)
York (Regional Municipality)
York Region Emergency Management
York Region EMS
York Regional Police
York University
York University - DEMSA
York University - UDEM
Zhiibaahaasing 19 (First Nation)
Zhiibaahaasing 19A (First Nation)
Zorra (Township)
Organization not listed
Enter the name of your organization