IMS 300 - Intermediate Incident Management System(9/25/2024)

Course details

Class details

  • Class status Scheduled
  • Organization Burlington (City)
  • Location Burlington Fire Hall Headquarter
  • Address 1255 Fairview Street, Burlington
  • Available seats 6
  • Class fee None

Class note

Please note that this session has restricted registration that is managed by the course instructor. Public sector personnel can contact the course instructor if interested in attending.

Schedule and instructor details
Dates Times Instructor Email
9/25/2024 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Heibert, Robyn Michelle
9/26/2024 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Heibert, Robyn Michelle
9/27/2024 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Heibert, Robyn Michelle


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