IMS 200 - Basic Incident Management System (Virtual)


One of the following course(s) are required:

  • SGI 100  - Introduction au Système de gestion des incidents (apprentissage autonome)
  • SGI 100  - Introduction au Système de gestion des incidents (en ligne)
  • IMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Management System
  • IMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Management System e-learning
  • IMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Management System (self-study)
  • IMS-100  - Introduction to Incident Management System (online)
  • IMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Management System (Virtual)
  • ICS I-100  - ICS Canada I-100 Introduction to Incident Command System
  • IMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Management System (Self-Study)
  • IMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Management System (E-Learning)