Accessible Customer Service for Emergency Responders

An Emergency Management Ontario E-Learning Utility




Severe or prolonged depression is an illness that affects not only a person’s emotions, but also physical health, relationships and behaviour. At any given time, almost 3 million Canadians have serious depression. It is about twice as common in women.

Depression often slows down the ability to act, so helping a person with depression requires patience.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that may be triggered by the change in light intensity that comes with the change in seasons. It usually begins in the fall or winter and lifts in the spring.

Postpartum Depression About 13 per cent of women will experience postpartum depression after giving birth.

Depression with psychosis – in some cases, depression may become so severe that a person experiences hallucinations (hearing voices or seeing people or objects that are not really there) or delusions (fixed beliefs that have no basis in reality).

Dysthymia is a continual (chronic) low mood lasting for a period of two or more years with moderate depression symptoms.
